1:1 Coaching

Check out my signature Self-Leadership and Service-Leadership in Yoga programs


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See where in the world will we practice together next 

My Philosophy

1. I will tell you where to look, but not what to see.

I am not here to be a textbook or walk you through a powerpoint of something that you could google. I’m here to ask you the right questions and open your mind to new possibilities. All of the work we will do together follows the 8 limbs of yoga but this is about strategy, experience, and accountability. Our work will be based on what is relevant for you. This is about you physically experiencing something new. 

2. Simplicity gets the win. 

Have you heard of shiny object syndrome? This exists in wellness because we are always looking for *the next big thing.* The thing our teacher tells us to do, one of the 20 things we see an influencer rave about, the thing your coworker tells you you MUST do… the list goes on. There are so many types of yoga, meditation and other wellness tips out there that we end up doing none of them because, where do we even start? 

We are constantly looking for validation from others, from the internet and from studies to make sure that what we are doing “works.” To make sure that there’s not something that will work better. But— you are the only one that can determine if it works or not. 

That’s right. It’s not about the activity, it’s about the timing and intention of the ritual. Whether you believe yoga & meditation will change your life or not, either way you are right. Morning meditation is not a magic pill, it is completely dependent on what you put into it. I’m here to simplify, and sort through the noise to help you put the right things into it. 

3. Difficulty in the beginning is okay.

In accepting the challenge to start on this path, you are going for progress, not perfection. Progress brings happiness. That’s why we are here, to develop something worth working on. 

Nauli Kriya – Yogic cleansing technique




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