off the mat mastery

Impact-driven leadership training for yoga instructors designed specifically to elevate your current offerings, and give you the tools and live practice to expand to new offerings. Infused with lessons from 20+ interviews on Leadership and Yoga.

1 power-packed month, followed by a 6-month *work at your own pace* mastermind. Cohort 3 is kicking off September 2024. 

are you looking to…  

…Create your personal business ecosystem and take control of your income?

…Find more self-acceptance, feel confident enough to begin, and articulate your unique value as a yoga professional?

…Receive guidance creating or growing your yoga business— knowing where to start and what to watch out for?

…Gain essential leadership and professional skills as a yoga teacher?

…Refine your story, your offers and your personal brand?

…Discover your X-factor, define your principles and stand out in the yoga world?

…Network across industries and improve your facilitation skills?

….Finally get after that dream project you’ve been putting off? Start your podcast, host a retreat, find the confidence to teach your first class, write a book, or just get your website up?

how does it work?  


Weekly coaching calls.

Modules that revolve around the integration of leadership and yoga.


Specially curated activities and assignments, plus a social media session and Q&A with Ness Baker.

Live facilitation practice and the tools you need to grow your business.


An assigned accountability buddy. Weekly check-in message. 

Ability to reach out to Shawna directly with questions Monday-Friday.

program highlight 

Social media session with Ness Baker, also known as @_inversioness.

Sharing your essence with the world, finding your voice and speaking on social media, keys to high-quality, captivating content production and actionable tips for creating and connecting with a community.

Annysa Baker is a certified yoga instructor, content creator, improvised movement enthusiast and an inversion practitioner.

who is this program for?

This program is for you if you are a yoga instructor who is looking to increase your impact AND income while not relying on a studio or another company. 

Running a yoga-related brand? Feel like you are in a parallel industry or a future yoga instructor wanting to get a head start? Join us! 

ask your questions, connect with like-minded individuals, dream, be pushed, inspire others.   

There’s nothing like it. See you on the inside!

what’s included?

  • Five 1-hour live breakthrough sessions and access to recordings.
  • Social media session with Ness Baker, also known as @_inversioness, on sharing yourself with the world, keys to content production and creating and connecting with a community. (This is one of our breakthrough sessions.)
  • Starting a podcast and landing key interviews blueprint.
  • Leading retreats and events checklist and templates.
  • An assigned accountability buddy and check-ins from Shawna to keep you on track.
  • Specially curated activities and assignments during our 1-month deep dive, and opportunities for live practice and feedback.
  • 6-month access to the Off the Mat Mastermind group. Shawna will manage this group and answer questions, provide feedback and check-in on a weekly basis. You will be able to build your business at your own pace while still receiving personalized advice and connecting with other dedicated individuals. Cross-pollination is key and supporting each other, crowdsourcing answers and staying inspired is what this mastermind is all about. 
  • Recommended business and leadership reading to apply to your yoga-related offers and virtual meet-ups to discuss and develop during the mastermind.

what are clients saying?  

OMM has given me the confidence and knowledge to launch my yoga business signature offer. Before I started the program, I spent a year hosting Zoom donation classes sporadically. While I enjoy them, alone they lack the ability to get my business to truly grow. Shawna distilled her knowledge to give me key insights into the market of yoga offerings. She asked thought provoking questions, provided feedback, and pushed me to grow my pitch skills. Off the mat mystery has helped me gain clarity in what I want to offer as a yoga teacher. 

I have made 20x the progress in 6 months with Shawna than I had in a year working alone.

Kristiana Gresham

Shawna helped me open my mind and realize that if we have a passion we must believe in ourselves, go for new horizons and knock on infinite doors without fear of rejection or failure since that is part of the path.

As a writer in training I had the pleasure to publish an article in a Portuguese magazine called Saúde Actual and I loved seeing results so quickly throughout my time in Off the Mat Mastery!! I am very grateful for this process and I only have gratitude to Shawna and a lot of strength to continue on my professional path. I recommend this program fully since I have gone through it achieving each of my objectives. I have grown so much through this process.

Sidney Bednarczyk

Participating in Off the Mat Mastery has already brought me so much clarity in my yoga business. Each session with Shawna has been like a slow unearthing of ideas I always knew were there. Her ability to hold space and truly listen to me has provided me the opportunity to be honest with myself about what I want for the future of my business. The homework is not only interesting, it’s transformative. The required reading has not only helped me in my business, but has even helped in my personal life and, dare I say it, in my marriage! I love the “accountability buddy” element of the program, too. It is so helpful to bounce ideas off each other and to talk out thoughts that may have been floating around in your head.

To anyone who feels like they need a gentle, but firm push towards creating the business of their dreams, I highly recommend working with Shawna through this program.

Madi Cooper